Tag Archives: solar

Heating Your Home With Solar Energy

It doesn’t matter if you are building your home or remodeling, you can turn it into a solar energy home by making a few simple changes to your plan. If electric and gas become hard to manage you may want to consider heating your home with the sun. Solar energy is the heat that comes from the sun down to the earth. When it reaches the earth it spreads evenly but you may need it to go to a certain area like your home. How do you […]

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Make Your Own Solar Power Source

Solar power can be found in several different places on the earth. You can find solar power in a parked car, in a building with no air circulating, in a home without windows opened or fans circulating the air. When you step into any of these places that have been in the sunlight for a while you soon become overpowered by the amount and the intensity of the heat. This kind of heat can be taken and converted into heat that can heat your home, your water, […]

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Passive Solar Power

It is a well known fact that the sun is the strongest from the south. People who want to conserve solar power uses this theory in order to get the most sun into their houses with minimal expense. If you are building a home that you want to be solar power, it is best to put the most windows facing the south side. Although it is not always true, depending on where you live, it is a general rule to go by. Passive technology turns sunlight into […]

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Why Are Solar Panels Important?

Solar panels convert the suns energy into usable forms. Solar panels can be a certain kind of device that attracts the sun to use the sun to power machinery that can transfer the heat from the sun into whatever they need. We could use solar panels to convert the heat from the sun into the energy we need to power things that run. Solar panels are common and can be seen in a lot of different products, such as calculators, satellites, or even space ships. Solar panels […]

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What Is Solar Energy

In order to know where to find solar energy you must first know what solar energy is. Solar energy is energy from the sun. When the sun is shining solar energy is being produced as it sends the heat radiating to the earth. You can find solar energy anywhere or anything that the sun can shine on. There is a way that you can save the sunlight in order to provide heat during the cold, which is what millions of people have done throughout the years. It […]

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Concentrating Solar Power Systems

If you have ever seen a field with several mirrors pointing toward the sun you may be looking at a solar power system. These systems work to concentrate the sunlight to one area and use the heat to heat up the liquid that flows along the pipes. This system is called Parabolic-trough system. This type of system heats oil that is flowing through the pipe. The oil is hot and that is why it is used to boil water to power a steam generator which in turns […]

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How Do You Find Renewable Energy?

We already know that the use of electricity, gas and coal are all resources that we may eventually run out of. These are the non-renewable resources that we rely heavily on today. We use these non-renewable resources to do many things, including supplying us with power, heating our homes, businesses and schools and more. When we use all the non-renewable resources up and there are no more to gather, then what? How will we go without the convenience that we are so accustomed to? It’s nice to […]

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Solar Power Homes

Have you ever noticed homes that have huge tinted windows in them as you drive by? You may wonder why someone would want such tall windows in their home. There is a reason for that and it is because of they are using solar power to heat their homes and to provide the energy they need to power it. Any home can be built to use solar power with just a few minor alteration to make and you too can build a solar power house that will […]

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The Benefits Of Solar Power

The sun produces massive amounts of heat that are transmitted down to the earth’s surface. When the sun’s rays reach the earth’s surface the intensity of the heat directly from the sun is not as hot because some of the heat is rerouted before it reaches the earth’s atmosphere. When the sun is hot and it is summer time we think that it couldn’t get much hotter as the mid day sun makes your run for shade, but it can get hotter if it wasn’t rerouted. Solar […]

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Ways To Use Solar Power For Heat

We have become accustomed to turning a dial or pushing a button in order to have heat. These ways are nice but they may be inconvenient as well. Heating homes, schools or businesses with solar energy is not only easy but cost effective as well. There are several ways that we can capture the sun’s heat even in winter times. In order to capture the sun’s heat you need a solar source. This source can be something that will attract the sun rays but trap the heat […]

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